


10 1
FOR ANYONE: start commenting on -ninjafangirl-'s page saying here comes dat boi
np love your stuff 😊❀️
it's not over yet.
no one cares about you, you are mean,rude and a bully
^ what happened
idk can u ask
hey sis
u don't know how much I wanted u to be on
I did ask what happened, they haven't responded
also I looked through their posts and saw what you commented
may I ask what prompted them
also I have screenshots so don't even try deleting them
she started it
* waits for proof and explanation *
tiny child you must learn how to react in situations like this
I did, didn't I?
she's really mean😒
I will deal with her
* hugs you * that said, I am proud of the fact that you stood up for yourself
thx sis😌 *hugs*
also listen to voices in my head from be more chill
it'll make you feel better
also seventeen reprise( heathers) dear Evan Hansen finale
that would be enough ( Hamilton)
for good ( wicked)
I'll try wicked
oh and dear theodosia ( Hamilton)
thanks, it's really good
ahhhh πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘ŒπŸΌ
have you listened to it?
what do you think?
it's relaxing to me
listen gtg I got school tomorrow πŸ™ I luved talking with u
that's great
can u sort out the thing with the bully?
that would be enough is really relaxing but also kinda sad
okay will do
thx bye sis
bye/ night