Collage by BlueSlushie--


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Please get off of private..
Why..? People care and are worried about you, like Mags, me, and Alex_dady and maybe even more people
does it really matter to this point..?
That people care and worry about you? Yeah
eventually people will leave this place, along with that forget about me
I wouldn't forget you and I know Mags wouldn't forget you too
what’s the point, I’ve got a feeling that Mags is faking like before
*hugs you* I'm sure that he isn't, every weekend he's so worried about you and thinks about you
I d-doubt that..!
I'm telling the truth Andrew, I'm serious. He gets worried and concern about you every weekend..that shows how much he cares and loves you..
either way, our relationship can’t last forever, eventually I’ll be forced to leave social media so what’s it to it..!
Then you guys should make the most of it then..and yes, I know relationships don't last forever but still..make the most of it. I'm sorry you feel this way
I just want to die already
Please don't..
I care about you I really do..and so does Mags
#nowarriorsmovie it will ruin the books