So true šŸ˜£


So true šŸ˜£

10 0
Welcome to my life ! Everything I like , somebody else likes . That somebody is the most popular girl at school, who manages it do everything without getting dirty . She is flawless and all the boys awe over her . But u know what, I donā€™t care if she wants it . I donā€™t want . If I aim for the same thing as her , Iā€™ll get nowhere in life . Now, I know Iā€™m boring u , but if thereā€™s anyone that better than u at anything , take my advice . My friend once told me ā€œ If u think that ur amazing at dancing , other people will believe it . Believe in urself and so will othersā€ .
Sorry for all the typos
Also , ur awesome , no matter what anybody says x