Click if you dare🙂

Hey what's up tell
Me a place you want to travel too I wanna go to Australia please respond ✈️


Click if you dare🙂 Hey what's up tell Me a place you want to travel too I wanna go to Australia please respond ✈️

87 2
Germany, Greece, Italy and Mexico!
that is so cool I would love to go those places
This edit is awesome!💕 I kinda want to go to France.😜
that's awesome I love France even tho I haven't been there🎨✈️
this is stunning!!!😱😱😱 I want to go to Paris, Rome, and Venice💞
nice I wanna go to Venice to
I probably have asked this but have you ever seen Finding Neverland on Broadway?
probably Hawaii
nice I have been there super fun and really beautiful👌
Oh. Well if you're ever nearby you should go. it's new so it's not terribly hard to get cheap tickets. I love your account so much! Places I'd like to go are back to Ireland and San Fransisco and to Paris, South Normandy, and Holland.
thanks so much you made my day😀💗