I'm in love ok so I look bad today but  I ain't wearing makeup and guys are winking at me gross they need to grow up  they gonna be in high school next year lol😂😂✨💖


I'm in love ok so I look bad today but I ain't wearing makeup and guys are winking at me gross they need to grow up they gonna be in high school next year lol😂😂✨💖

16 0
how old are you
SAME i mean this sounds like im bragging but i rlly think im ugly and spotty and bleghhh but i live in turkey and most Turkish boys are like soooo slimy and pervy and flirty and ew 😂😂👌 and bc im english they stare at me and start doing weird stuff like winking and checking me out and im like laughing with my turkish friend whos a girl and then she looks them up and down with a dirty look. it works !! 😂😭😂😭😂