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AHHHHH HELLO EOMMA!!!! I’m back ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I missed u sm too ahhh 🤧🤧💗💗💗💗💗💗
I’m fineeee hbu? 💜💜💜
thanks 🤧❤️❤️
awe thank you 💕💕 and I would love to collab if you’re up for it 😊
you’re an inch taller than me? how u dareeee >:(((
also I’d love to collab with uuuuuu
that’s not a problem at all love!! I really only listen to one Kpop group and that’s blackpink and Red Velvet 😅 I know I’m Korean and should probably get into that genre of music but I’ve never been much of a fan of any other group
yeah my mom was born in Korea but I was born in the states :) and yeah I know all my friends listen to kpop and they ask me what the words mean and since my mom was adopted I haven’t learned any Korean so I just shrug. but it’s very weird to not know anything about your race xD
yea that works !
I would love to collab with you
wish I could but i have to study a lot:’(
i’d luv to collab with you ❤️
and aww, that’s so sad! I hope you get better, also... i’m sure you have talent! don’t let yourself down.. 💔
*collabs are NOT open anymore...sorry*