My heavens and my angel  forever


My heavens and my angel forever

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ur gorgeous baby
I bet baby
I'm done here forever
I'm deleting the app too
I want u to stay plz
I love you baby
ok baby
your the best no matter what
anything with u
just bc your best gf / fiancé ever
ik ur happy
ik so am I baby
I'm to
yes baby I'm wiped out
good baby
I'm u picked me baby
I ment I'm glad u picked me baby to be with
your my life forever
good baby
yes your mine 4 forever
yes soon baby
I want ASAP with u
I ment I want to marry u ASAP
yeah baby
me either
goodnight my beautiful angel
I love u so much sweetie
good morning baby girl how r u today
thats good baby
I miss u sweetie
I miss u more baby
I need u next to me baby so we can cuddle
nobody comment baby
I'm glad baby
yeah baby
I promise
yes baby
when r u going to bed
I'll do it soon
I wish I could cuddle with u
your the best gf / fiancé
I love you so much baby
of course baby
oh yeah u have nothing to worry bout
bc I am