My legs, you are welcome⚰


My legs, you are welcome⚰

233 0
jk jk 😂😂😂
😂🙌🏻 ^
Wowwww I've never seen legs before. They're so beautiful! 😍😂
wow ok.
yes, beautiful legs 😅
😘😍🙌 perf.-Cindy
nah 😅😂 ^
oh my gosh is this what legs look like?! I've never ever seen legs before! omg
it's to perfect Caleb😂🙌
ugh like yass I should be a site model😂✌🏻️
You should win a medal for the most perfect legs ever! 😂😂💯
shhh😂🙌🏻 ^
I agree ^
ik 😬🙌🏻
awe babe~
he's not gay tho. he's dating some kid.
yea.. so that was all?
ok I told them he was bi, but....ok another thing I'd prefer no one knows I told you....if you go to Chica_Chicken's page there are some pretty nasty stuff that's said
also, he may be dating Mini_Unicornn, but ik Jack likes you more, you have no idea how crazy he goes over you, don't tell him I said that tho, or anyone
and if Jack gets off of private anytime soon than you can see why they said to him on his page too
sorry, I'm really, really hyper right now, and I'm in a bad mood, but at the same time I'm in a good mood, it's a very difficult feeling to explain lol 😹
hey do you like Jack? You don't have to answer this if you don't want to
u still there bro?....
na I'm over him. he's dating someone else 🙄 done with him
and yea I was just on Instagram
he's only dating someone else because he's trying to move on because that's what you wanted him to do, he was so happy when found out you liked him back again, and if he wasn't so nice and afraid to break Mini_Unicornn's heart he probably would've broken up with her
but didn't because he makes her happy
great for him.
I'm sorry if I seem like pain in the behind right now
eh your ok. I've had worse
but I think it's important you should know that he hasn't moved on at all if he hasn't already told you, he's gone absolutely bonkers over you, if that makes any sense, I can't really English that well
really?! Well I'm really glad to hear that I'm not the worst pain lol
I know he still likes me. but I mean. why the heck would he listen to me? of course I want him. but I don't want to go through all the shït. so I just give.
He listened to you because he loves you, maybe he thought that if he tried to get over you like you wanted him to than you'd be happy, and your happyness would be the thing he wants the most if he loves you as much as he says, I dunno, boys are a little difficult to understand for me
and this boy is especially difficult for me to read, I mean ig it's is sorta easy considering the fact we used to be best friends and knew a lot about each other, but still lol
good thing I'm not a boy ! :D
*tilts head* Wdym?....
dude. I'm joking.
sorry imma blonde, takes me a little longer than everyone else to get things lol
lol I am I've got my pic on my page, I didn't actually think the collage to get my pic would actually get to 30 likes
I don't like having blonde hair though most of the time
I'm thinking on going sliver. idk I like having green hair tho.
anyway I can get a hold of Jack?
that sounds pretty kewl, I wanna dye mine teal
I've already did blue, green, purple with pink bangs, and teal, but I wanna do teal again because it's mah fav color
uh I dunno how to reach besides PC
I left Roxana in 3rd grade, neither of us had phones at the time
lol I got teal. but it looks green. so might as well just call it green.
I'm going into 9th now, so it's been awhile since I've seen him, also we didn't really part on good terms
after I do teal again imma do rainbow, there's a girl I know who wants to be a hairstylist wen she's outta high school and she said she'd help me out with it
she said that she'd even help me buy the dye too
so there's no way I can talk to him..?
i dunno
he's not allowed to give his # out to peeps, and I don't know what his email is
sorry bro
I gotta go. if Jack comes back or something. tell him to talk to me..?
ok I pinky promise *hold pinky out*
yo, he's back
he's apologizing to everyone, I checked Chica_Chicken and Mini_Unicornn's pages
the wrong time .-.
wen will convos not be so awkward with him 😂
lol right?!
you are one very kewl dude, wanna be besties?
thanks mate. and sure
woohoo, ya, thanks 😸
and your name is..?
Gabrelle, but everyone calls me Gabby *smiles and holds out hand*
•shakes your hand• I bet you already know my name. but again the names Cxleb, got it memories?
*nods* yup lol 😹
good cuz there's no way I'll say it again
why not?
Nm bro you? I just got a cut my lip, and it really burns
Sup bro?
I can't, I'm stuck using my iPod fo a while