Rosie!!! She can get very long!!!! She 2 years old, which I think is 32 in Guinea Pig years but not sure. She is very fluffy and has a mohock!!!! She's so cute!! But she has bumble foot!!😭


Rosie!!! She can get very long!!!! She 2 years old, which I think is 32 in Guinea Pig years but not sure. She is very fluffy and has a mohock!!!! She's so cute!! But she has bumble foot!!😭

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I have a guinnie pig too! her name is chase
she looks a lot like my old Guinnie pig, his name was buddy and he was all orange but just as fluffy
That's an awesome name!!! Rosie is what she was named when I got her from my 2nd cousin
long hair or short hair
is it a teddy, teddy's are so cute!!
so cute