Who's on now?


Who's on now?

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good that's good cause I need someone to talk to
so what's up?
I having a bad day my brother being lied ...... by me.
yeah I lied to him I said that everything was okay and as he comes back it's ............ I ......just...can't * starts cry and hugs you* he postponed the wedding till next week!
it's ok... you'll be ok...
*comforting back pats*
it's not ok right now my brother hates me* sniff* sniff* he hates.........
hugs you tighter* oh no my brother is making it rain! I cant be in the rain! I'll turn into a cat.* forms meow meow
*covers up*
meow my clothes don't forget my meow clothes
*grabs her clothes*
your gonna be ok...
I have to be in warm water!!!! I can't let my brother know!!!
where are we going?
are we going done where safe