I'm honestly really sorry for making this, I might actually take it down later XD 

BUT either way I still think the set is REALLY REALLY AMAZING!

Also anybody got any guesses who the paired SSR will be? o3o

Just curious lol, I think it'll be Riko, I co


I'm honestly really sorry for making this, I might actually take it down later XD BUT either way I still think the set is REALLY REALLY AMAZING! Also anybody got any guesses who the paired SSR will be? o3o Just curious lol, I think it'll be Riko, I co

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Oh btw I have no hate towards Kanan, just me starting to develop shipping drama :\
** btw continuing description** I could be wrong tho ((HAH MOST LIKELY))
Ruby tho:3
Like all of these words could have just as well come out of my mouth
^ Thank goodness I'm not the only one who thinks this way, it's just I can't feel any other way about this
@Cherry sHES SO CUTE
I hate Kanan and always will until she does something MAJOR to redeem herself. not that lame excuse of a "redemption" in episode 9
I think it's like one of those ships like once it was eliumi now it's nozoeli
I think I might wanna scout for this set its so cute
^ I don't blame you if you want to tbh, but I don't think it's that way honestly... Lately a bunch of people on Reddit and some people on school idol tomodachi and other social media sites have been saying DiaMari is no longer canon due to episode 9, everybody who once shipped DiaMari ((except very few people)) started shipping KanaMari
@Squid Agreed, I think Nedda pointed this out but Mari offered a hug to Kanan but refused then Kanan offers a hug and Mari gives Kanan a hug because she's kind! I am starting to dislike Kanan's actions by the minute...
Kanan is awful.
i actually still ship DiaMari, even though I personally ship kanamari more. I still really want to at least see a Diamari duet song because they would sound really good together
^ I really hope there will also be a DiaMari duet too, and I think it'd come out alright as well
^ YOHANE HAS THE BEST OUTFIT IN THIS SET FOR ME TBH, but Mari obviously has best card, she's the UR after all XD
Like I think the only people who still ship DiaMari are the Juice Fam
^ Honestly at this point same
*also lowkey hoping Riko will be second UR*
this is kind of like getting angry at Nico and Nozomi having a UR pair. And they aren't really doing anything romantic, and I honestly don't think Muse or Aquours really have romantic feelings for eachother (maaaaaybe Riko and Nozomi).
They aren't really throwing away DiaMari, they are probably just making it so: Nico and Nozomi had the first UR pair, Kanan is in Nicos spot (in my opinion) and Mari is like their Nozomi.
Mari is blushing in the card... that's enough reason to hate it