


45 0
.....they hate me
it doesn't matter
I'm gonna go
well I'm in a car..so just not on PC..
did you draw a heart on your wrist today? cuz if you did you know that you can't cut plus I don't hate you! I 😍 U
no I didn't
your awesome. trust me I'm a touch girl. I get bullied everyday. it's kinda depressing. but I don't cut. allot of peeps in my class swear at me call me names, put the finger at me, non stop.
and I don't want you to feel like me. my goal my hole life has been to make everyone happy.
Please, draw a heart on your wrist. We love u.
Hey sorry if I'm a bother but I was rping with you and I don't think I can anymore(can't get onto my account after this) so if you could maybe inform IzzyPoterLovesSupernatural for me that would be super helpful(and sorry if I'm bothering you!). Also don't worry about what others say to you or anything. I'm depressed to and I'm getting through it so you can too!