Collab with my best mate on here goddess_of_mischief.


Collab with my best mate on here goddess_of_mischief.

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❤️❤️❤️😁🤣 I'm so proud of this!!!!! 👏
And tbh I'm not British or anything of the sort but I use there words and no one understands it 😂
But I finally found a mate who actually understands me 😂
And I'm also watching Harry Potter right now 😂😂
no way.
I’m re reading the books
if you haven’t already, please go enter my icon contest. if you win you get a shoutout and collab!!!
Coolio. Right now I'm reading the Percy Jackson series
I'm on the 3rd book
OceanBreeze, an awesome user who has been featured multiple times, is having her 0.5k giveaway go to her account to check it out.
(Sorry for self advertisement) Hey! You are an amazing collager and I thought you might like to join in on my 600 Followers Contest ! Sorry if you can’t join! Love -OceanBreeze-💙
Re:// No I'm not making fun of you!!! I just like saying that stuff ❤️
thanks for all this loves, but I wasn’t able to do this without my best mate, goddess_of_mischief
❤️❤️❤️ Call me Ashlyn ❤️😁🤣