Review for Marisa_16


Review for Marisa_16

23 2
re:// take your time and have a good break :) thank you🥰
thank you so much. see you soon.
are you gonna post mine?
hey starry I really don’t mean to be rude or pushy so please don’t be offended by this but I’m pretty sure I posted a entry saying that I wanted a review before the closing time. if you can’t make my review that ok but if you have time can you maybe do one?
dude i asked for mine like two months ago plz do it!
heyyy! can you please do my account? I’ve been waiting for a bit now, thanksssssss, and sorry for prying.
bruh i’m so over this. they left i think 😒
yeah probably, but they are busy with school work so it’s understandable