Chat with me Daughterhunterofposeidon!


Chat with me Daughterhunterofposeidon!

6 0
hi there!
how u been?
ok, I guess, you?
Hi again! 😁
im depressed.
aww, dont be ! cheer up! life always have its ups and downs ✊🏻
are you single?
will u go out with me?
that would be an up!
did i scare u off?
Hi there
Um, I think that the answer might be no to your previous question. I mean, I barely even know you ! JK, you might even be some old guy sitting behind the screen ! But seriously, I mean no offence to this and I am sorry if I hurt you or something. However, I am pretty sure that you will find someone who will be willing to go out with you . Once again, I mean absolutely no offence ! 😌😌😌