Collage by thxeo


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ooo handsome baby x
*buckles up
is can’t breatwh
maker itt etop pleasee
hess bacak
bbbaby oleease
love u
yeah I’m okay
my dads back..
no I scared hre wull
no my mom 5ols me
I’m svawred:(
i mean I did get a text this morning from a random number asking if it was me
yeah… no text back tho
okay… :(
i jave ti go.. I koove uou
so much
no :(
they keep trying to call me
yeah., Ima awnser it
it was… h-h
he just yelled at me… then I hung up because I got scared… now he just..won’t leave me alone
idk how to do that. :(
can you get high with me..
no it’s okay… i shouldn’t of asked anyways
*nods and frowns softly
*nods faintly and goes upstairs to our room* | *plays with saff on the floor
daddy! *rubs into your legs* | *watches putting the toys in her mouth | *lays down and starts to cry
uppp pweaseeee *makes grabby hands* | *looks at you and smiles*
*hugs your neck* | *giggles and smiles up at you
oh.. it’s okay take as much time as you need I understand
i love you too
i miss u
hey I miss you come back soon..please
cowms back soon oelwase I miss you and I need you
i losvd you thwo
i need you.
*crawls into your arms and clings
*clings to you not letting go
*kissss you* how is you fdeling
*shrugs and clings to you giving you love and hugs* I missed you so much… I need to talk to you about something too
*holds you clsoe to me* I feel like we should move… to be.. safer
i don’t feel safe here *frowns and clings t9 you tighter
because he came here multiple times so let’s just move *cuddles you
there good their at my moms *nods* I just needed a break
do you wanna FaceTime them? iclings to you, kissing your chssk*
*nods and pulls out my phone FaceTiming my mom
*smiles at it picks up* hi mom | oh hi guys, hi theooo
how have you been? | naila: *hears daddy’s voice and runs over* daddy daddy daddy | saf: *sleeping* | *|’iles
*smiles at you* | *gets in the view of the camera* daddddyyyyy!!!! i wnat daddyyyy
it’s otay x just try and get beetter
Merry Christmas baby I miss you and love you
i kinda need u..
missed u
mmmh are you feeling any better
I’m sorry baby it’ll get better
yeah I’ve been lonely without you here
it’s okay *nods and hugs you
yeah I’m sorry bbay *frowns hugging you* it’ll be okay
*hugs you
yeah | *n her room with saff
yeah hopefully *goes upstairs with you
lihev you
i need you x
i miss u
please come back
don’t go :((((((
you iss? ❤️
guess you aren’t staying
no don’t leave :(
I’m sorry I didn’t mean too
i missed you a lot.. like a lot
i think about you all the time ❤️
i know and I understand that
miss y
i miss you my love
come back plz
love u
miss I like a lot
come back hmph
i don’t wanna be here anymore..
this is so selfish of me wanting you but Ik your still healing.. come back soon.. please I need you.
are you okay? I’ve been worried sick :( I’ve missed you so much do have the girls. Don’t be sorry okay? you don’t need to be sorry. i love you so much ❤️
your not one baby I promise it happens
i love you so very much
love you baby I miss you x
otayy I have to work most of today but I’ll try to be on baby
hey baby
hii *hugs you close to me* mine
I’ve missed you moreee *looks up at you smiling*
*giggles and kisses you back blushing a bit*
hi you twà t
miss you lots
i don’t feel good hmph…
I’m sorry…
the girls miss u
i miss u
bubba hmoh
i miss you baby I hope your okay
i miss u.,
my baby:)
happy Father’s Day
i miss u
is it really you? or I’m I dreaming 😭
tummmm onnnn hmphhh
good we’re just getting over covid so ehh
yep :(
why can’t you stay longer:/
i miss you so much
Theo ..
hey Ima take a break, even tho I have been but like maybe a long one idk it’ll be good for me just to kinda keep my mind off of you and stuff but it might honestly not help at all but who knows. i love you theo so very much baby boy ❤️ I’ll see be here
i miss you… see I can’t even go 5 days without coming on here to say something :( I hope you come back soon…
if you ever need to reach out to me my kik is gustavhrs_ x ily
hey I’m probably staying x
I miss you a lot today
idk what I’m doing anymore. Ik your gonna come back (if you ever do) and then leave again.. just like you’ve done all year. I’m over waiting theo :( the only reason I’m still here is for dani..then again he has a lot more friends then me so he’ll be fine right? but will I? idk theo I’m just over this…. I love you and I hope you come back soon.
I love you theo I do… I can’t be living like this…. if you do come back for good I’ll come back fit you, I just can’t keep living like this….
I love you theo Simmons
I miss you… :(
baby!!!! *smiles and hugs you*
look I have to tell you something…
haha you might be upset with me…. so I’ve been kinda uhhh fxk buddies with someone… I was lonely and you were gone for so long… I honestly didn’t know if you were coming back
are you back for good baby… or are you going to disappear again
:(( can I ask what’s going on?
there really good! nails started preschool this year and saff is walking :) naila really misses you asks for you every day
b-but I wanna understand why your gone
I know :( do you wanna see them? or do you think that’s not a good idea untill I know your staying
oh :( w-why didn’t you tell me… you know I don’t like secrets theo..
you got busy with it for four months?
idk if naila will contain herself *goes upstairs
oh… ik I shouldn’t be upset… I might be pregnant too… I don’t want to be *tears up*
naila will I know, idk if saff will.. *goes up to nailas room* look who’s home | *looks over* daddy? *sees you and screams dropping her blocks and runs to you*
ohh :(
idk yet… I’m gonna get a plan b..
*clings to you tightly* hi dadddy | *dmiles
y-you still love me right?
*clings not letting go* don’t weaveeee
the way you’ve always h-have…
yaa I go to schoool *smiles and plays with your hair
I’m pregnant….
and there you go :/
gone again
No congratulations. now my life’s all messy
please stay…
I miss u…
hey so idk when your coming back or what I’m tired of waiting and waiting for you. I’ll be here always tho who knows maybe me and Michael won’t work out idk but I do love you so much theo
I love you…
theo I’m here now
I miss you I hope you know that
I have a feeling your never coming back :( I’m sorry I moved on… I still love you so much theo Simmons you’ll forever always be my favorite in my heart.
I hope your ok
I miss you
I can’t…. I miss you so much naila started kindergarten today and saffron is talking now :( I-I just I wish you were here bud Ik your not coming back… I mean maybe you are but idk when
I hope ur ok