I am having second thoughts on who it is....


I am having second thoughts on who it is....

12 4
this isn’t fair to you. why would you make a fake hate account and be mean to yourself? like that doesn’t even make any sense
I hope. This. Does. Not. Make. Peop
People. Hate me....
And they have no reason to bc you are so kind and sweet. I literally love your acc so much and you are extremely brave to talk about subjects such as bullying and the fact the people assume you created the hate acc is ridiculous. Just keep doing what u r doing bc we got ur back girl❤️❤️
I really hope things get better for you.💕💕
Oh my god it’s a hate page on PIC COLLAGE for gods sake!!!! PIC COLLAGE!!!! People stop sending her long sappy paragraphs about how strong she is for dealing with this