If I could apologize to someone it would be Austin. Austin I'm sorry for being stupid if u like darla u can date her I'm not in charge of u and I never will be if u like her have her. Just know that I care about and I always will. I still have feelings fo


If I could apologize to someone it would be Austin. Austin I'm sorry for being stupid if u like darla u can date her I'm not in charge of u and I never will be if u like her have her. Just know that I care about and I always will. I still have feelings fo

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I sorry to for being mean to you Jc
nice Jaycee.
it's fine I just still like you
I kind of is for me
Jade it for me all I want is to date him but that won't happen
I don't care I really like him
nice standing up to jade like that
I really like u Austin
I'm on both sides
I wish I could get her just to leave me alone I asked and she said no and she keeps teasing darla 😭
I'm sorry to say this but I hate darla
it's fine I not going to be like jade and flip out
what are u going to do I she says no
I just asked her cause I'm texting her and she hasn't said anything
what are u going to do if she says no????
I don't know
on a scale of one to ten what do u rate me
as a crush or friend
friend a 7
crush ?? let me gess -200
good for you
crush??? let me gess umm -200
ummm ok ?????
friend 7and a half
I guess
are u ok
I'm not I said I was on both sides
yeah 😔
um u ok Austin
yeah right
thx for hating me Jc
um ok ????