Still in the process of writing him a letter, it's gonna be so long hahah if he ever does get it he won't want to read it lol


Still in the process of writing him a letter, it's gonna be so long hahah if he ever does get it he won't want to read it lol

113 9
omg love it!!😱💕
I'm gonna try to "attempt" ur style even tho I'll fail miserably😂 this might take awhile...I've never done this before
I'm planning to write him a letter too
on second thought I'm not gonna try...😅 I'll let u be the expert at it
thanks for the likes xx
yeah mine will be super long too there's a lot to say
He saved my life too and I can never be grateful enough
So it looks like we're similar
aw thanks :) And I'm still sort of in the middle of things but I'll be better someday I know
Love your edits by the way
thank you
thank you thank you thank you for your sweet comment!! it made my day:)
thanks! I love your edits as well💛