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hey people! guess what movie I'm seeing tomorrow? that's right! I'm seeing Mockingjay pt 2!!! finally! please give more suggestions for Christmas usernames, I have a lot but I like options :) also who has seen the latest Doctor Who or at least the first two episodes of season 9? they were so sad! am I the only one who 1. hates Missy now because she put Clara in a Dalek and 2. thought that Clara was a lot like Oswin when she was in the Dalek screaming "I am Clara, it's me Doctor"? comment "🔑" if you thought the first one was true and "⏱" if you thought the second was true! anyways back to real life non whovian talk! QOTD: do you get a real tree at Christmas? AOTD: yep! it's up and it's so pretty! and soft for some reason even though it's a pine tree or something like that, bye for now!
in England season 9 has already finished, it's a sad ending😂, we have a fake Christmas tree, I've always wanted a real one but mum said they are to messy😣
Looked out the window and there was a cat staring..