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💭click because really important rant in comments💭
Amazing collab with this lovely lady! 🎭gives me 1950 vibes
I'm going to be wonder woman for Halloween 🏆
My thoughts and prayers are for those in vegas 🎯
What is love? 🎢
Love, lily 😭
Hey guys. My life isn't perfect. Sure I'm a good editor and a good friend some times life doesn't go my way. I had my first panic attack last night and it shook me up bad. I couldn't move and I was sobbing, all these thoughts plaguing my mind. My friends all have moved on from me this year and I'm lonely. So I come on here to talk, but even on PC I feel lonely. PC has cliques and so does school and it's not cool. We have this group project that the grade has to do and I was the last one in the grade with no partner. So I have to do it alone. I have this crush and his name is Everett. I used to hate him but now we have like best friends and I had feelings for him for over five months. He just found out and he hasn't said anything to me since then. The school dance is coming up and idk what to do. His friend group says he doesn't like me and I can't have my heart crushed for the fifth time, not again. If you got it this far you are truly amazing. I'm moving to Texas in two months from Seattle which means I won't be on PC that often. Moving would mean, loosing all the friends I do have left, dropping French class and not being able to go to these fun things, but Texas has a lot of cool opportunities for me so I'm happy and sad. I love you my lilylites so much because you all mean so much to me. I can't live without you guys I would have physically died by now. Bye for now, lily 😭
life gets better!! 😘
we can be friends 😘
if you need someone to talk to or need I’m friend
I’m here💕💕❤️❤️
awww i'm sorry, i know we're not super close but i'm here to talk to you if you need it :)
also i just moved last spring, so i understand how tough it can be moving to a new place, but it turns out okay :)
oh lily, I'm sorry for what you're going through, all the friendship things and stuff. hang in there okay?
I'm always here for you to talk to :)) that's why I love PC sm. everyone is so kind haha
also, pardon my weirdness on ig HAHA
oh I thought it was tomorrow lol
but yh I'm doing it after homework (about 6pm)
there it is ❤️
already entered it in x
and omggggg Lils you have meeee ugh we live so far away we'll meet up in 10 years 😂❤️❤️
I guess it is😂
I'm sure any guy would be lucky to go out with you!!😊❤️✨
Sorry! Your collab request was denied 👻💛
Just remix the collage! then you’re in! 💛💛
Sorry I came off rude!! Not my intention 😩
Lily, your going to be ok❤️ try talking to ur friends that u have now, btw BOYS ARE JERKS not being rude but it's true. If u need a friend im here, also get ur group of friends to go to the dance with you and OWN IT❤️❤️❤️
Can you do red? There’s many oranges already🥀
ooo yeah my friends think i’m crazy
same thing happening here! well kinda...this boy thinks I like this other boy, and he sits behind me in class and I can always overhear him mention our names then the ppl on his table are giggling at me and they won't tell me what it it! I just ignore them....
love this edit your so talented and amazing 💕💓😍
haha 😂
some eff boy in my school who played me
And do you want to collab with the Cherry wallis video
whooo? 😂
oh ok
ahhh ikr✨also yay I changed my user pc stopped being a bïtch
and omg invitation ahh😍it's funny because one of friends went on a date to the park (so boring) and me and like 3 other girls followed and spied and it was so movie like 😂we even had binoculars and walkie talkies lol
I'm still getting over How beautiful something different was and they keep popping up with new videos my mind can't take such beauty at one arghhhh
arghhh Lils I gtg and it's almost midnight where I am and I have school tomorrow 😂cya babe❤️❤️😂❤️❤️
Need some premades, theme dividers, text overlays and more.. then come to this account for some :)) yes this is a advertisement so for you don't want it on your comments feel free to delete it ! have a great day 😘
you’ve won an icon!! who do you want on it?💛
Ahh sorry just saw your comment!! I'm on a samsung so i cant see comments unless i go on the web
I'll try to get it done asap but i have my major exams now So it might take a while longer...
your icon will be coming soon!!💛
these are amazing😍
how long does it take you?
w0w IT would take me weeks
I don't have patience,so it would end up not finished