Question away


Question away

8 0
what do u like to do in your free time?
run, play basketball, screw around with my friends, play rugby, do tricking which is like ground flips and stuff, and watch movies
what's your favorite color ?
would you marry Timothy the Destroyer?
I don’t know who Timothy the destroyer is
How old are u?
why do u use the app
cuz I am asking myself that question
but I can’t find an answer
i am 13
I use this app as a extra way to screw around with my friends
lol I is twelve
I am probably the youngest person here
oh well
haha, I have 6 people in all and I have a lot of friends and I wanted to keep touch with them in a more subtle way that snap chat or insta
good choice
whatever dude
I am a girl
oh sorry
are you dating?
it’s fine
does anyone else watching stranger things
I love stranger things
yay be meh fren simply_
I will be your friend