Metro boomin want some more n***a


Metro boomin want some more n***a

11 0
oh … hi
hey there, I’m Aaron :) how are you doing today?
yeah :) me and roxy have that too, she’s my girl. you two know each other right?
im doing good :) you?
yeah so, I’m curious, why did you leave roxy? that seems like something a complete d^che would do right? :)
who am I? I’m Aaron. the guy that wants you to leave roxy alone.
don’t be shy, man up and own your actions
no no I’m not concerned with that, she clearly doesn’t want to talk to you and she’s upset with you. I don’t want you talking to her. got it? or are you going to ghost me like you ghosted her?
am I clear?
ME? Insecure? dude you left her. LEFT HER.
i understand that you want to apologize, she’s just not in the mood to talk to you? i felt the need to protect her, to make some boundaries, I just don’t want her to get hurt again. she is still upset from when you left
i just don’t like that you ghosted her, especially when she really liked you.
i feel like I came here too harshly and caused trouble when i didn’t need to, I’m sorry. i just want to make sure she doesn’t get hurt by you again. we can both understand that
okay, I think it’s best if you discuss this with her myles
so what’s your explanation
Hey this is Lucy <3
R u single?
myles ?
i miss you
Hey there ;)
Oh hello