I hope you guys understand, sorry about being a complicated teenager. *cheer that dies out with a cough at the end*


I hope you guys understand, sorry about being a complicated teenager. *cheer that dies out with a cough at the end*

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I’m a bit nervous to get invested into too many rps as well and end up not having good responses or lose interest again. Just something to add. I have nothing against you beautiful people of the internet.
I’m really sorry to hear that, I know that Anxiety is no fun. if you would like we could stop our current RP and start a different one that would be more enjoyable to you, if that is what would make things easier to you.
idk if you’re still active but I’m trying to be again so wanna rp?
I just remixed to your post xD
don’t worry about it, I completely understand. you can take all the time you need :)
hey..how are you..?
honestly life could be treating better but eh I’m doing ok I guess.
hey I completely get it, life gets busy sometimes, and if I were you I’d definitely figure life out before coming on here lol. but I was thinking Owen would get caught and some kind of black mail type thing would go on to try and get Vice. idk. but I’d love to hear the future ideas you have, also I’m glad you’re alive lol. I hope you’re well☺️