Repost! This is soooo unfair!


Repost! This is soooo unfair!

26 0
it won't let me find your acc😭😭😭
well, obviously now I can find it, but i can't search you...
wow, that is so stupid because people have it in there username, why would they even put that in??Its random😱😀😒
and when you do fandom cat it comes up with fandom_cat but not you! what?!?
yes I would love to collab, sorry I didn't get the icons to you yet but I will get them tonight or tomorrow at some point :) what fandom for the collab?
Round One of my games is up! Due Date is June 13 for you! And if u forgot, you're on Team Shadowhunters! Good Luck!
And I read your post that said you were gonna be on vacation for a month so if u don't want to be part of the games anymore, u can just tell cuz that's perfectly fine! 😊 Oh and u can use old collages that u already made, for the games 😊
Yesss! I cannot find myself and almost everyone has hyphens in their username, it is so irritating!!