So I guess two of my friends are an item now ??? But I kinda like one of them ??? And I don't know how to feel ??? And now I'm questioning my sexuality again ???


So I guess two of my friends are an item now ??? But I kinda like one of them ??? And I don't know how to feel ??? And now I'm questioning my sexuality again ???

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that must be...weird to be around. and we support you no matter what. I hope you figure out soon.
that sucks... but we support you no matter what sexuality you are! I know it's extremely irritating to question your sexuality, but in the end, you're you and we love you for you. I hope you love you for you too, because that's what matters.
I have never used the word "you" in a sentence more than that.
omg I thought it said great day😂 either way though🙂
I used my laptop to project a double rainbow onto my ceiling🌈
I thought it said great too 😂 whatever it says I love it ❤️❤️✌️
^ 😜
who else sees it?!?