Sorry about the blank. Idk why, but today I just thought "Why stand out, when it's so easy to fit in?" and it's been ringing in the back of my mind all day [more in comments]


Click Sorry about the blank. Idk why, but today I just thought "Why stand out, when it's so easy to fit in?" and it's been ringing in the back of my mind all day [more in comments]

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I don't remember ever feeling like I've ever belonged. I don't look like any of my family, and certainly don't act like them. despite all the troubles I've had this year, I've found a way where I am happy. a style of music, a way of dressing, etc. but as I started to feel comfortable as me, i started getting judged more. granted, I made a couple of friends, lost of few, found interest in sports-but it's like people don't understand. all my life, I've been the weird fat kid who so desperately wanted to fit in (okay, I wasn't that fat, but you get the point). now, I feel like I should try to fit in. I know I'm wrong, but I feel like if I want to become an actress, I have to please others, you know. idk I just can't be myself. a moment ago, I took out the scissors and nearly chopped off my hair because I am SO SICK OF THIS. I'm doing with this shït. just through with it. idk I'm sorry if I ruined your feed but I turn to PC to express my emotions.
I s2g I'm so close to cutting or heaving a breakdown. I'm gonna shower and see what happens
I actually did this (chopped off my hair spur of the moment by myself) I think there's a difference between changing yourself to be more presentable, and changing yourself simply to fit in. I know it's hard to be told to just do you, that it's so simple, because it's really not. You said that you've found some friends being happy, and I think that that's all that's really important. I realize that I've given no advice, but I hope you feel better! I find that just talking about it makes me feel better
PLEASE don't harm yourself. If you're having bad thoughts, please talk to someone.
I don't have any personal experience with this topic, but I have friends who do. And I can tell you from my experiences with supporting them; It gets better. I know that may seem impossible right now, that everything and everyone seems to be against you, but trust me when I say that's not true. there will always be someone there to love and support you. Never forget that.
coming from a person who also acts, your job isn't to please. your job is to be good at what you do and stand out. if you're just like everyone else, people won't give you a second glance, and there goes your entire career. I'm not much help with your other problems, but maybe kicking out this idea could help. you have the power to be amazing at what you do, and it would be a waste to try to fit in.
I totally understand your situation. I went through something quite similar and still am. I understand life's hard but please, please don't give up. Don't give into the temptation of self harm or suicide. I came close to self harming myself but decided not to at the last minute and to this day I'm thankful that I didn't do it. Please don't hurt yourself, you're perfect, no matter what anyone else thinks. And don't focus on the negative things. I've found that focusing on the positive things such as the things that make you happy really helps. You're beautiful and there are people out there who would be devastated if they found out that you were going through this because I know I am. It's okay to be different. It took me awhile to realize that but know that I know it it's really helped. Don't worry about what other people think of you. The only thing that matters is what you think of yourself, unless it's something negative. Please don't give up because I promise you that things will get better. Maybe they won't get better for weeks or even months but eventually things will. Please don't hurt yourself because you don't deserve it. You're an amazing person and don't ever forget that
OH HELŁ NO RUINING MY FÜCKING FEED THATS WHAT YOURE WORRIED ABOUT FŪCK THAT!!!! also, I loveeeeee you so you can talk to me whenever❤️❤️xox
Elle you are fûcking beautiful and don't need to bow to society because it's harder to stand out. If you're being judged more, it means you're doing something right. Becoming who you want to become and changing your style and life means that people will judge you and see you differently, but none of that matters as long as those who are close to you and love you love you no matter what and know who you are in your heart. They should come to understand that you're wearing your heart on your sleeves, in your hair, in your music; and maybe they're just mismatching the person they used to know with the person who is now. But it doesn't matter if you aren't accepted, that isn't the goal of life. You are beautiful, you are strong, and you are loved, even if people question, even if people judge, even if people don't understand. I have no idea how to help you with the way you feel because I cannot say "Feel better!" and it magically happen, but keep going Elle. As you find yourself and become more comfortable with yourself, those around you will slowly follow this confidence. And by the time you've decided who you are, you won't have any fûcks to give.
And we will all be here while you're in this struggle. Tonight, if you pick up those scissors, then look at the reflection. Realize that the person who you see only sees the flaws and the judgements when you don't even know how many people everyday may look at you and think "Wow you're pretty" and "I love the style" and "I love that music too, I wish I wasn't so shy so I could tell her I'm a big fan of the same band!" and even some people around you may be in the same boat, "I don't know who I am truly; I wonder if anyone around me feels the same." All we, as human and self judging beings, see is the negativity. Next time someone gives you a nice compliment, burn it into your memory and remember that the next time someone doesn't understand you, that you shouldn't give a fûck because there are so many others who love and support you. Burn this into your memory: yOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND I LOVE YOUR FACE AND YOUR HAIR AND YOUR CLOTHING STYLE AND YOUR CREATIVITY AND I AM SO THANKFUL TO KNOW YOU BECAUSE YOU MAKE ME HAPPY. And next time someone is being a bitçh to you, remember that KaReN thinks you're pErfEct just the way you are. And if you come close to self harming, remember this: yOU ARE TOO PERFECT OF A BEAN TO FEEL THIS WAY. NO. STOP RN. GO SCREAM SING YOUR FAVORITE SONGS AND PUNCH WALLS AND THEN GO BACK TO THE MIRROR AND REALLY LOOK AT YOURSELF AND REALIZE THAT WE ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL AND TRAGIC MESSES AND OUR HUMAN NATURE IS REMARKABLE SO WE SHOULD NEVER FIGHT AGAINST IT BUT RATHER EMBRACE OURSELVES BECAUSE KAREN FORBIDS YOU TO THINK OF YOURSELF AS ANYTHING BUT PERFECT AND LOVED AND THOSE SCISSORS NEED TO GO IN THE TRASH CAN BECAUSE SOCIETY ISNT GOING TO HURT YOU TODAY. Such capital, much sentence. If you need to, just lay down on the ground and fûcking sob. Sob and don't give a damñ. And then, when you're dry of tears, get up and look in the mirror and see the beauty of your tears and your sorrow and how it means that you're still going despite this. You are strong, Elle, and you are loved.
And I know I'm saying a lot about looking in the mirror, but sometimes it helps ground you and humanize you and makes you realize that you are human and that you wouldn't wish any other human to treat themselves this way. for some I suppose mirrors are deceiving, because they only see the negativity, but I see them as humanizing. Take a second to look at the bigger picture of yourself, and maybe that'll make sense. Idk. I am a terrible advice person. bUt I caRe sO muCh fOr yoU and I bEliVe in YoU. You can do this, friend.
heyyyyy don't change yourself they're a lot of actress who do stuff independently and don't care what other think. you are your own person be yourself and don't change yourself for anyone. if your happy then stay the way you are. don't change okay?
you are a beautiful person with a beautiful mind. never forget that.
You are perfect the way you are. If society doesn't accept that then too bad! You deserve to be an individual not someone who hides behind a mask! You are perfect the way you are and if others don't see that, the screw them! Don't change to fit in, because you are perfect the way you are and no one can take that away from you so don't even give them an opportunity to try. You are strong and I believe in you!
I'm also sorry I took so long to reply; if I ever take too long, remember that I am not ignoring you at all, but that every minute= 500 words I'm typing 😂😂😅💛💛
I feel the same way
hey. wanna talk? I've got a lot of self-image issues that seem similar to yours. I understand you may not see this swimming through all of your friends' comments, but I just want you to know I don't really know you that well, but I'm here. and I want to know you better. that's all. stay tough you little bean.
It really does suck when people judge you. But I've found out know matter what a person doesn't someone will judge them. So it's best to just be yourself. All that is important is that you are comfortable with yourself and if you like yourself. What others think doesn't matter. I'm sorry that you feel like you have to please others. And you can still achieve your dreams even if you aren't how society expects you to be. Society and people just judge easily and don't think about others feels. I know it maybe hard, but you should still be yourself even if people judge.✨
(Wow my grammar in that was awful. It the second sentence I meant to put no and does. And I meant to put feelings not feels. Sorry about that😂)
Also it's alright if you don't look like your family or act like them. (Stay strong💗)