Anyway I've had like every Christmas song stuck in my head all day idk why especially that one by Fred so if I seem to be in a bad mood now you know why


•Kachicka• Anyway I've had like every Christmas song stuck in my head all day idk why especially that one by Fred so if I seem to be in a bad mood now you know why

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lol why Christmas songs? lol what a princess
I don't know my Brian just kinda? I know I love him
brain* not Brian ugh
m y b r i a n
Ah yeah just Brian with his Christmas songs in mid September smh
the money one because rip you
Wait money what I'm confused
the Fred song, is that the money one
I don't think I've heard that one and I don't want to. It's like Christmas is Creepy or something łmao
Oh I haven't heard that one but I don't wanna hear that either
You really don't
I used to be obsessed with it when I was like ten shsksjsjsksjsk kms
Y i k e s
I used to be obsessed with the annoying orange which is probably just as bad
if that counts
Don't worry I was too like I remember showing it to my brother and everything omg
I remember watching it with my mom for some reason
Rip your mum
I think she liked them too actually