Hope you all have a great day! πŸ’œ


Hope you all have a great day! πŸ’œ

196 3
if u had to leave the ALDC where would you go and why?!?!?
fly and favourite movie
who is your favourite Disney character
if you would have anything in the world what would it be?
favorite book?
if u could be any Disney character who would it be?
favorite hairstyle
favourite chocolate?😜mine is caramel dairy milkπŸ˜‚
favorite disney princess
my super power would be if I thought something it would happen
If u were a princess which one would u be
yay! thank you for using our question! (btw its -ALDCBABE- πŸ˜‚ I don't care though it's ok) πŸ’•
what's ur fav quote from a movie
fly or tell the future