Show #2


Show #2

14 8
Hey I don't have the time to do this challenge this week...
the point is that, I actually asked for an extension first thing you posted round 1, but you didn't respond. then I got a message from you telling me I had to turn it in, but you didn't even tell me if I could get an extension. yes, maybe if I was busy then I shouldn't have signed up, but I really wanted to enter because the last got talent games got cancelled. exams aren't just exams to me. in my school, exams decide whether you repeat another year or not. maybe I'm being immature, but you should've at least acknowledged whether you read my comments or not.
a tip: a week isn't nearly enough time for people. people have LIVES. they have exams, tests, family dinners, school stuff to do. half a week for challenge 2 isn't possible.
sorry if part of text is hard to read!
oof this doesn’t fit my style at allll ouch
omg... I’m so sorry I’ll probably be eliminated... those pngs did not work with my stlye and I had like, no time...🤭