If you can't see it, then Mari is a devil and Kanan is a witch. Kinda randomly chose costumes for them. Should I do a RubyMaru Halloween art too? I was thinking that Ruby could be a creepy doll or a princess and then Maru could be an angel.


If you can't see it, then Mari is a devil and Kanan is a witch. Kinda randomly chose costumes for them. Should I do a RubyMaru Halloween art too? I was thinking that Ruby could be a creepy doll or a princess and then Maru could be an angel.

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cute drawing! not huge on the pairing but the drawings adorable
^thanks! I wasn't sure who to do so I just chose my two best girls, it really isn't meant to be Kanamari fan art
OMG THIS'S SO ADORABLE!!!! You have some amazing talent!
I'm still thinking if I should make LoveLiveSunshine!! fan art....
And this is so cute!
can't wait till it's finished!
^thank you guys!
looks amazing!