Future me👏⚽️


Future me👏⚽️

9 0
not exactly
what you saying
yeh not exactly
you dream a lot
you seriously do
do you even know who he is
I play u12 Npl
ur future is my fist m8
which means ima FÛCK up your face
your face is already f**ked up mother f**ker
Bītch have u seen me
Your a lil 9 yr old and im 16 who can serioisly do some bad shīt to u
omg stop dreaming as if you would be him
he isn't 9 he is 11
honey do I look like I wanna be him.grow the FÛCK up
sorry for swearing but don't question me!
omg I sorry
I'm 16 and I shouldn't be swearing at 10-11yr olds
sorry guys
except for ish dog he's a asś
u just said that you shouldn't be swearing at 10-11 years old people but ish dog he's an ...
an what aye
what's up
hey people
r u a girl
I wouldn't want to look at your face because it's already cracked
what is with all the comments like this