Laura: *is still biting her tail softly* H-hello...


Laura: *is still biting her tail softly* H-hello...

10 4
lol, sans
Laura: hm..? *is really confused* Admin: aye... I know that.
Laura: ...o..Kay..? Admin: Sans...
admin: *sighs* nevermind...
(her) Admin: gah! *is tense* okay! okay! just set me down. please,
Admin: *shakes her head, trying to calm herself* first off. don't ever. and I mean ever. do that again. secondly. Laura is a new Oc, so she is still learning the ropes of being an Oc.
Admin: I didn't know how, fully. sorry...
Admin: okay... oh! do you wanna chat with Emma?
Admin: Okay! I'll log her in. *logs Emma into the chat* Emma: Hey Sans.
Emma: how are you.
Emma: that's good
Emma: *sighs* *facepalm* really sans...? really..?
Emma: *looks disgusted* How can you drink that straight? That's disgusting!
Emma: *lets her head hang*
Emma: *sighs*
Emma: *shakes her head* no
Emma: *raises an eyebrow*
Emma: I..?
Emma: *looks around, then back at Sans*
Emma: I-I g-guess..
Emma: Gah! *winces*
Emma: *winces and cries out in pain*
Emma: *has one eye open, but she starts to pass out*
Emma: *passes out from the amount of pain she's in*
Emma: *is passed out, but starts to wake up*
Emma: *sits up, holding her head*
Emma: *shakes her head and looks at sans*
Emma: *she backs away from him, remembering what happened* Admin: *logs her off and logs Elizabeth on* Elizabeth: *tilts her head at Sans*
Elizabeth: *walks over to him and heals him* Sans...
Elizabeth: *sighs and shocks him*
Elizabeth: *winces slightly, but heals herself* it's fine...
Elizabeth: Like i said. it's fine. I'm just glad it was me, and not Emma.
Elizabeth: Admin logged Emma off.
Elizabeth: while you were asleep. admin has full control of what all of her ocs do. and she also has control of when they are logged on or not.
Elizabeth: *raises an eyebrow* Do I want to know..?
Elizabeth: um... *thinks: Creepy!* cool..? I think... eheh...
Elizabeth: *gasps* um... *is tense*
Elizabeth: *doesnt know what to do*
Elizabeth: *becomes tense*
Elizabeth: w-why are y-you smiling a-and blushing..?
Elizabeth: n-no...
Elizabeth: *closes her eyes and shakes her head*
Elizabeth: *keeps her eyes closed as her ears lower*
Elizabeth: *opens one eye, and backs away slightly*
Elizabeth: *sits down, wrapping her tail around herself*
Elizabeth: *nibbles on her tail softly, watching Fell out of the corner of her eye*
Elizabeth: *stops and looks at Fell*
Elizabeth: *nods, signaling that she's ready*
Elizabeth: *lets him*
Elizabeth: *closes one eye, but opens it again* *starts to blush lightly*
Elizabeth: *tenses slightly, but relaxes and kisses back*
Elizabeth: *is beat red*
Elizabeth: *a small smile appears*
Elizabeth: *lowers her ears slightly, but nods*
Elizabeth: *blushes*
Elizabeth: *smiles softly and looks down*
Elizabeth: heh...I know...
Elizabeth: *looks up slightly, her cheeks rosy red*
Elizabeth: *blushes darker*
Elizabeth: *wiggles her nose* That tickled...
Elizabeth: *whines and covers her nose*
Elizabeth: *nods*
Elizabeth: *hugs back*
Elizabeth: *blushes* Nya~
Elizabeth: *turns beat red and closes her eyes* N-Nya~
Elizabeth: *bites her lip*
Elizabeth: *blushes*
Elizabeth: *licks his cheek*
Elizabeth: *blushes*
Elizabeth: *blushes and licks his cheek again*
Elizabeth: *bites her lip*
Elizabeth: *is blushing*
Elizabeth: *smiles softly* you're kinda cute when you blush....
Elizabeth: *bites her lip* thanks...
Elizabeth: *tickles him with her tail on accident when she brings it up to her mouth to nibble on*
Elizabeth: *smiles softly as she nibbles on her tail* sorry...
Elizabeth: *blushes*
Elizabeth: *turns beat red*
Elizabeth: *shakes her head and her shirt falls off her shoulder*
Elizabeth: *blushes*
Elizabeth: *her eyes widen and she cover them with her tail*
Elizabeth: no...*is really embarrassed*
Elizabeth: *bites her lip*
Elizabeth: *lowers her tail slightly*
Elizabeth: *nods* mmhm
Elizabeth: *goes to him* ...
Elizabeth: thank you...
Elizabeth: *smiles, blushing a bright red*
Elizabeth: *smiling*
Elizabeth: I-I guess...
Elizabeth: *blushing*
Elizabeth: *kisses back*