GUESS WHAT!?!                               Nothing. Happy April Fools!!


GUESS WHAT!?! Nothing. Happy April Fools!!

149 1 old r u? 2.dou have any pets? 3.wanna be friends?!
plz like my most recent 2 posts! btw I love ur acc and happy April fools!!!
who's ur pc idol? what is it like being one of my idols?
what's ur favorite sport? also how old r u?
what's ur fav food?
how do you do your special puppy image??
how long have you been on pic collage? how log had you been on pic collage when you first got on the pop page?
Do you like Wisconsin? Why or Why not?
1.Sorry I can't tell my age... 2. Nope but I really want a dog! 3. sure!
Do you have any tips for smaller PC accounts? Editing tips in general?
I have a LOT of PC idols! and WAIT I'm your idol! That makes me feel AMAZING!!
I LOVE basketball and softball!
I LOVE anything chocolate! especially chocolate cake!
Save a GIF on to your computer and then go to the and log in. Finally click profile then change file and select your GIF. Done!!
I have been on PC for I think about 3 years now... I got on the pop page in June last year!
Yes I like Wisconsin. I think it is a cool place!
Yes! I have a couple of tips! First of all, ALWAYS be yourself. Second, NEVER give up. And for editing tips, try to experiment with the different fonts, symbols, etc... I think that will make your collages really unique.
what apps do u use other than PC for you edits?
"What apps do you use?" To answer both of your questions, I use mostly PC, but for some of my photos, I use an editing app called Enlight! Though I also use Font Candy, but I don't use it very often.
ya u definitely are!
plz follow me
have you liked my pics? do you like to dance?
hmmm...have a pet?
"do you use a phone, iPod, or computer?" I use my iPad and my phone
"do you like to dance?" no, not really... I am actually really bad at dancing.
"have a pet?" nope but I might get a dog!!
oh...OMG IM SOOOOOOO SRY I FORGOT ABOUT THE CREDIT!!!😭😭😭 IM SOOOOOOO SRY!😭 I'll give credit in the comments!πŸ˜¬πŸ’•βœ¨πŸƒ
What's the first thing you would do if you turned into a dog? (that was kind of random, sorryπŸ˜‚)
"what's the first thing you would do if you turned into a dog?" I would mingle with the other dogs and see what they talk about!
what is your fave film
It would be nice to know what dogs are talk about, I've always wondered that.πŸ€”
"what's your fav film?" idk... I LOVE so many different movies for different reasons!
could u maybe follow me?
what is your fav color?
"what is your fav color?" BLUE!! Obviously (maybe not obviously, but I still LOVE the color!
hahahahahah very funny πŸ˜‚
Wanna follow me?