In this picture you can see my dirty blonde hair
They're natural highlights feom the sun... 😂


In this picture you can see my dirty blonde hair They're natural highlights feom the sun... 😂

19 1
you look so mad
u got a crush on who now? (I'm so nosey XD
it's okay. I like lily
^^thats me
if he said anyone else I would be like 😠
That would be cheating...
I know so when you made this collage is was like 😰 but then I was like, 😍
can I play soccer with you? (Rp?)
yeah. Give me one sec...
LIAM you can be a model
i know...
yeah let's play socceeerrr! *runs to yard*
* gets in goal* I am goalie
I'm not very good but okay *dribbles ball down the field and shoots it at the goal*
*blocks goal*
dang it *shoots another ball*
*runs by goal*
Please don't black it please don't block it
*ball goes into far side of goal*
Yyyeeeaaahhhh! *laughs*
Lol... Nice shot. *takes ball down the field*
*tries to block him but he goes around her*
noooooo *back hand spring to aerial and catches ball in hands* you know gymnastics really paid off
No fair!
yes fair! I have no soccer experience but gymnastics is awesome *does another aerial*
let's go inside *runs inside*
*races in front of her*
*goss up the stairs with Liam*
*stops in front of her*
*trips* l.i.a.m (I have to go shopping even though I don't want to)
okay. See yah
bye 😘😘😍😘😍😘😍😍😘😘😍😘😍😍😘😘😍😍😘😘
omg cutie
I'm back!!!!!
cute asf