Did you know? Art frames do in fact have wings. They go zoom-zoom and fly around at night when no one is watching.

True fact.


Did you know? Art frames do in fact have wings. They go zoom-zoom and fly around at night when no one is watching. True fact.

105 0
i love it when they zoom zoom
zoom zoommmmmm (wing emoji)
well my art inspiration had taken a rather long Holliday
you got it!!!! lol
My painting has sprouted midnight black wings and is ominously circling around me like a harbinger of death, please send help.😦
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE enter my contest week, because your amazing and it would seriously mean the world to me! thx so much.
i LoVe YoUr AcCoUnT sO MuCh!!!!
so THAT'S why a family portrait in which I look HORRID disappeared