Heyyyy look I didn't forget it!👏🏻Weekly quote!💛🌸How are you doing, and happy Friday!


Heyyyy look I didn't forget it!👏🏻Weekly quote!💛🌸How are you doing, and happy Friday!

145 0
Love this quote! Very inspiring! ✨ As a matter of fact, this quote just gave me a story idea! What if there was a mind reader, but she couldn't read thoughts? Instead, she could understand one's mind, how it reacted to things and how it created thoughts. Hm..... she would certainly make a good enemy to someone. 💡❔💭
this is amazing!!!! ❤️❤️❤️it's simple but unique and I'm having it as a background 😊😂
This is so beautiful and inspiring! the quote is amazing, and you are so creative! 💙⚡️