I'm single and looking


I'm single and looking

12 0
hey mike
what's up
stuck in an airport. I hate when the planes get delayed
just about to head to bed lol 😝
lucky you. I barely have gotten any sleep. I'm so tired 😴
well get some sleep on the plane then lol
yeah hopefully there won't be any annoying seat kickers
lol I saw the remix u did on my college, you would date me? and kiss me?
just askin
um yeah. your really cute
A'ight fine by me
look at my college I just made its photos of me and I wrote something in the comments
okay well I'm gonna go now I'll text u later during the week
okay bye Mike
never mind text me on my college "Me" I need to ask u something
Please pull your underwear up.
hey u online haven't talked to u in a while