This took FOREVER!!! I'm so close to finishing Insurgent!! Should I read Allegiant? I've been hearing it's boring. I added somethings to this and deleting the other one


This took FOREVER!!! I'm so close to finishing Insurgent!! Should I read Allegiant? I've been hearing it's boring. I added somethings to this and deleting the other one

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Allegiant is kinda boring four acts like a big baby in it lol , but something happens in the book, that absolutely hate so much, if you do ever read it I'll know which part I'm talking about
Oh and your collage is gorgeous 10\10 😍😍🤗💕
thanks for responding✨and for the compliment💖💖💎😇👑
your collages are beautiful💖
thank you beautiful!😊💕
thank you✨💖 @kawaii_bucketlist, happinessforeva, ballerina_unicorn, and forever_joy
@triplet_klf, ok thanks. I think I am going to read it and also thank you👑💖
love it💚
Woah your collages are amazing. I would say read allegiant but it is boring in parts and sad
ok thanks
thank you and no problem💞beautiful collage by the way:)
I wish I lived there