Collage by choirkid24


38 0
beautiful. 💕
Two of my besties irl left me in 2nd grade
hey I know you make pic collage edits but please consider this. what are your thoughts on pic collages featured page I feel like all they feature are pic collage edits and not give anyone else a chance to get featured. if u agree with me help me get pic collage to fix the featured page by leaving them a comment of what you feel about the featured page and why it should change. I just don't think it's fair that they feature one type of collage and not give anyone else a chance for a feature
thank you so much this has just been on my mind lately and I really want to get featured sometime because that has always been my dream but I know now that will never happen seeing how the featured page is now
I feel so sorry! Change is hard, I have experienced it too. I'm glad you have a positive outlook on the future. Several of my close friends are moving away next schoolyear, so I know how you feel. Stay strong! 😊💕
this is so inspiring. I'm really sorry that you have to go through all this, and I really admire your attitude.