Blog #1


Blog #1

10 0
enter my contest!
No cant you see I need support That Isn't Quite Support is It Now if u give me support I maybe will enter your contest!! Duh
I don't understand but I hope you feel better soon
I Come Home and see no comments or anything and I'm upset so I need support!! That's all And thanks you
It's Fine Of course I Can!! I'm Made For Giving Usernames to people lol!! ❤️💙💚💜💛
No I want u too use the one on ur page that I gave you please I don't like ur ideas sorry
Thanks for ruining my Day I'm crying literally because I thought my idea was better I guess not And that's offensive and u know I'm having a hard time and u are rude thanks so much :(
Never mind Anyway The Truth Is That I'm Having a Really hard Arguement with my friends and they all hate me I have no friends and you are very offensive never talk to me again :(
I Do Not Care What you say u don't make new friends u just bully them like ya have done to me