


5 2
* but who will start*
dark: * has cigarette walking out side*
dark: * thinking of his brother*
dark: *sees something dark in front of him*
dark: * eye glows for him to see better*
dark: mind: I still can't fûcking see.* walks to soul and mangle*
dark: hey mangle..just wondering why it's so freaking dark out hear..
dark: tch...I know that.....
dark: it not been like this dark...
dark: heh..*smiles*
dark: er....
dark: bye..
dark: yeah that's better..
dark: me neither.....* remembering something*
dark: ....* holds soul's hand*
* mangle hears something behind you*
dark: what....* looks at soul*
dark: s-soul?! * moves closer to her*
(I'm gonna read in the background >:3)
dark: are you ok?* looks at her*
( harmony is coming back for his revenge)
dark: h-hey.....
dark: here this is faster * pick you up and teleports to the front of house*
dark: * looks at gaster* she's not feeling well..right now..
dark: gaster......WHAT THE FÛCK?! *lays soul in her bed then looks back at gaster*
dark: FRSHHHH...GMMMMM...DONT LISTEN TO- never mind I'm going to my room * looks away from gaster*
dark: * turns back at soul* do you know what changing souls could of done to you?
dark: that's not fine? what if even lost of the lovely memories that you had what if it killed you?!
dark: what made it so important to change your soul?!
( ok)
( heh..)
dark: what do you mean you - * does not finish cause he's angry turns and walks to the door* ....* goes out and slams the door*
dark: * walks into his room and shuts door* mind: why soul why dàmnit what have you done? why did you do this...
dark: mind: I'm not comfortable with this I had to change my soul because I had to let my bro free..
dark: mind: I'm not different...I just glitch a lot...I couldn't of lost her if it scrèwed up...
dark: * laughs a little* mind: I'm just so fûcking pîssed it's not even funny....why am I laughing?
dark: * cries a little* mind: what is it to me..I want the old soul back I love her so much I don't care....* looks at ring on his finger*
dark: mind: why am I crying...I'm crying like so fûcking baby...* wipes tears*
dark: *repeatedly bang his head on the wall but not to hard* mind: soul oh my sweet soul why I love her...
harmony: hmmm...wow dark..your enjoying yourself? * sits on ledge of window with back on the side*
dark: you...* reaches for door handle*
harmony: * makes darks soul red* nah ahhhhh..I don't think so..
dark: go ahead you can have me all you want....go ahead take ME!!! * cries a bit*
harmony: * walks to dark* I guess you won't be needing this no more..* takes of ring of darks finger*
dark: n-no give that back!!
harmony: she changed her soul....which means she want all the lovely thing s about burn to ashes...* looks sad*
dark: no THATS NOT RIGHT!!
harmony: yes it is...drink this and all of your pain will go ah way everything will be back to normal..* holds potion*
dark: * snatches the potion and drinks it*
harmony: how do you feel? * looks at dark*
dark: I feel..t-tired* falls and feels weak and tired*
harmony: don't worry I won't hurt you...* grabs dark before falling and pick him up and teleports*
* the ring was left on the floor in his room*
( so depressing ;-;)
dark: * falls asleep one tears falls*
harmony: * still has hold of dark* your ok dark...* wipes his tear* I will love you..and make you happy..
harmony: * lays dark on fancy big bed* you will be my queen when you awaken..I'm sure of it...
dark: * is still asleep* * says something* soul......
harmony: * takes off hoodie off of dark and put red pink gloves on him then a strapless small dress it is not tight*
( gày which makes it worst)
( yep cringing starts now)
( yep...)
dark: * still sleeping*
harmony: * slowly takes off dark pants and leaves him in dress* ....* he throws darks pants and leaves dark there sleeping*
harmony: mind: he looks like a girl when he sleeps how cute...
( my face hurts)
dark: * still asleep*
harmony: oh dark...I wish for you to wake up already...* stands there and looks at dark*
dark: * still asleep*
dark: * slowly wakes up* s-soul I feel funny..* looks around*
harmony: soul isn't here....dark...
dark: wha...harmony...* looks at himself* what am I wearing? wha....where am I..
harmony: I so sick of waiting for this* get on bed*
dark: stay away from me!!
harmony: come on dark they can't hear you..* is now on dark*
harmony: son of a bîtch those mice!!!* hears noise of being knock over*
harmony: anyway I don't care...
dark: g-get off of me someone HELP!!!
harmony: oh come on your really enjoying it * looks at dark*
dark: h-help!!!!! * struggles*
( ouch I burned my lip while eating a hot pocket and while cringing ;-;)
harmony: * turns his head* ?!!!!??
(fan art incoming!)
harmony: go ahead soul kill me I already did what I did * smirks*
harmony: why don't you think about it...you were watching...* disappears*
( I'm crying)
(you just now got it!? 😂)
( when I cry I eat food)
(done! I'll be at your house in 5 to shank you with a shard of my broken emotions)
dark: * gets up from bed but still wearing that dress*
(hahaha 😂)
( I was laughing while crying and now I choked on pizza ;______;)
(good job 😂)
dark: * without looking at himself well embarrassed he teleports away to gaster*
( I'm dying and my older brother came in and said" WHAT THE HÈLL ARE YOU DOING?!!!! he scared me which made choke some more)
(this just keeps getting better and better 😂)
dark: * sighs* just please don't...* looks at ground*
( oh god stop!!! I'm going to sin hèll when I die and my sins will follow ;________________;)
( stap I'm laughing so hard I forgot how to breathe)
dark: stop fûcking laughing it's not funny!!!
(CPR!! DARK NEEDS CPR --5 mins later-- DOCTOR: why did he stop breathing? HE CHOKED ON THE DANK MEMES!!!)
dark: stop laughing or I'll shove this dress up your àss!!!!
(omg I'm dying 😂)
( * dies*)
(*starts writing will*)
dark: *tries to take off dress but struggles* what the hèll how do you...
( Damon dies of laughing to hard and choking on pizza and burned his lip by a freaking hot pocket and getting jumpscared by his brother)
(*falls to floor* *last dying breath* put -cough- dank memes on my gravestone *dies*)
dark: * blushes in embarrassment* no stop!!!
(ANA'S GHOST: thank you, Caitlin..)
( is now a choking on pizza burn lip sin demon)
(*claps* good job Caitlin, death by drawing and dank memes. Just like she wanted
dark: how in the hèll do you take this off
dark: stop laughing it's not funny...
( LeL)
(piece and holy. I am the definition of Grammar Naži)
dark: whoa whoa...out please I need privacy...
(it is only light boi)
( stop guys please I gotta pee!!!!!! I can't act like this no more I'm sixteen years old!!!)
(no one is too old for memes)
(Caitlin has gone more insane)
dark: you guys it's over why are you still laughing? * walks in other room*
(it's the the dank government! RUN)
(dank government starts shouting dank memes)
( I'm the LAW keep out the memes cause someone about to have an accident)
(just so you know, I will be in the background correcting all of Caitlin's spelling)
dark: * now in differ clothes but you finally find out that there is something different about him*
(dude, just go to bathroom 😂)
( now I already went!!! I'm just joking around!!!)
( the president of dank: *turns around in chair* the president is DAT BOI?!)
(good cause I actually got worried for your health 😂)
( evil side of dank government: NO MORE DANK MEMES FOR A DAY!!!!!!!! )
(*GASP* you know our people can't live without the memes!!!)
( no more DAR BOI for maybe an hour...... can we continue this rp?)
(I don't think so 😂)
it has kinda turned into a RP inside of a RP)
( WHAT? dar Boi? what is that? when did I put that there )
( . . .
( ok enough with dem danks)
(now I am imagining the derpiest and weirdest looking dat boi and calling them dar boi)
( pffffff- ok ok please stop my stomach hurts)
(*gasping for air* me too)
( stoooooooopppppp Dat Boi is taking over!!!!!!)
(a long time ago in a galaxy far far away... dat boi was trying to take over the Pepe knights, using his dat boi soldiers to wipe them out)
( yeah do that)
(this is gonna make for some interesting conversations at school. u right)
( can we get to this rp now?)
(oh and that YouTube channel I was talking about earlier is called Sangled)
(Idk how this really works.... I'll stay in the background for now)
dark: * you find something different about dark as he walks out of the bath room*
( ya know what happened right)
(yeah I read this whole RP, but I'll probably screw something up)
dark: uh huh...
( hm..)
(ugg this train is so loud)
( gnnnnnnnnnhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa* throws phone across room*)(( I really didn't do that ok))
(don't worry, I won't take everything you say seriously 😂)
( that's fûcken it I dying in a htefhhfnfhfhnhfgfgfffnfnfnfngfnfnnfhnfdzzzzzzz!!!!!! you know what that means right?)
(dose is like a dose of drugs.... so.. ummm.. yeah)
(the cucumbers are to dank)
( I guess this is the role play of memes I'm making a new role play again 😒)
(mr midnight: playful pet by day, hallucinating pill drug dealer by night)
(yes Caitlin, take your pills! Palontras is waiting for your high little girl self!)
( probably the reason we put dank memes here is to get rid of harmony! XD)