Just sayin


Just sayin

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Babe i wont be able to hang out tomorrow
damñnnnnn okay
No parents piisssseeeddd because im not goin to ig i gota go to the center and theyl said there goin to find a way to break us up and i fxckin told her to fxck off and ask her what would happen if i broke her and my dad up
ummm wth
okay but y tho y tryna get us part
They said that ever since i got wit u ig ive been acting different just fxckin kill her now
Dont worry ima make sure nothing happens
damñ... idek honestly just kinda grr
And i honestly look at her and said "I love sierra more then i love u" and she got all ppiisseedd
Like i said baby im gona make sure nothin happens to us
god baaabe honestly fxcking love u just if u srsly need to let go for a bit cuz I don’t want shït to happen between all u guys cuz I’m in the picture like fxck that’s up to u tho srsly
No babe no im not letting u go tho like i love u to dam mucn to let go
❤️ just fxck kinda shïtty tbh like y get ya apart like no srsly oml
just don’t die plz I love u
❤️❤️ yea not letting go of u we have done alot together and ive honestly never felt so in love wit some one❤️ so no im not letting go even if it means go to hella and back im not letting go
Love u to babe❤️
❤️ Godd I just don’t want u to die or end up getting into somethin cuz of me but god damñ I think I do love u too much sometimes oml ❤️
Nothin wrong wit that bae ❤️❤️
well I mean tru... but if I ever lose u it’s gon hurt like a fxcking bxtch... like same never loved someone like this my damñ ❤️
❤️❤️ yea like i said never goin to let go no matter what
❤️ just b careful plz
❤️ babe i will dont worry i mean it was just a lil fight over nothin lol Love u baby❤️❤️
yea but just kinda worried tbh but I trust u ❤️ love u too babe ❤️
❤️❤️ yea ik u trust me❤️
❤️ goddd just kinda still confused y tho honestly
❤️Idk just dont worry about it
dunno just hope nothing dumb as shït happens
told u they didn’t like me called it
Yea ik babe neither do it❤️ aye ima go to bed ill talk to u tomorrow night baby I LOVE U ❤️❤️❤️
And no there just not a fan of u ig
But yea ima love up on u tomorrow❤️ night baby
god k love u too babe ❤️
u will srsly never know how much I actually love and care about u like... no joke never been like this before with anyone damñ babe it kinda scares me tbh... knowing that since I love u so much u could also hurt me the worse like if I lost u or some shït... srsly sorry about ur mom honestly no that’s not okay yea ima worry ik u don’t wanna let go but if u ever need to it’s okay so u guys don’t fxck up ur relationship because of me... ik u probs won’t read this or if u do it will b sometime tomorrow but god damñ I can’t stop thinking about u... wondering how someone like me got with someone like u but I’m glad it played out this way tbh ❤️❤️ I love u and just try not to die okay? ❤️