When I get a girlfriend I'm going to spoil her! I might do stupid cráp like grab your bûtt all the time or bite your ear just something stupid like that. I will cook you food but you things take you it to do things treat you lien a lady should be treated


When I get a girlfriend I'm going to spoil her! I might do stupid cráp like grab your bûtt all the time or bite your ear just something stupid like that. I will cook you food but you things take you it to do things treat you lien a lady should be treated

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Seriously he likes Aj
Awe i think I did a good job on getting them to talk to each other
Yeah and when she had the twins their dad saw them once and hasn't seen them since then a and she feels like she's not doing a good enough job of being a mom to them cuz they don't have a dad so then I realized well there's someone I know who really loves kids maybe she should talk to him and so I told her to talk to him and I guess I'm pretty good at telling her to talk to him
Yeah I can tell and shes really happy