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Song: Happy Little Pill by Troye Sivan

I love the meaning in the song: in my point of view, I think that it's saying happiness isn't made or 'bought'. I think the owl in the video means wisdom (reading Percy Jackson and Greek/Roman My


⭐️Clickety Click⭐️ Song: Happy Little Pill by Troye Sivan I love the meaning in the song: in my point of view, I think that it's saying happiness isn't made or 'bought'. I think the owl in the video means wisdom (reading Percy Jackson and Greek/Roman My

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(continuation to the caption) Mythology helps! 👍), but I don't really know the connection to them. In the comments, tell me what you think the meaning of the song is about!
@Kawaii-chan Thanks so much (^ー^)ノ! But you have to admit Kawaii-chan: YOUR COLLAGES ARE ON FREAKING SAGE MODE IT'S JUST TOO AMAZING FOR MY EYES TO HANDLE! 🙌👍✨😆(≧∇≦)
Don't say that Kawaii-chan! And this is fun, I really like talking to a lot of people here on PC ^ - ^