Collage by chichoo


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did you know you have the same birthday as Han Jisung from Stray Kids
noooo way
it’s 7:05 here so I’ve gotta have a shower aswell
sorry I had to eat my dinner
uhh I’m so sorry I had to go. anyways I’ll tel the story. when I was in the 3rd grade I moved to a new town and was put it S (Roseish)’s class. We became best friends and did everything together also hung out with another girl called Jess. in year 4 we stared pic collage we all had a shared account and go to 100 followers, so we threw a party. fast forward to next year we’re in year 4, it’s my birthday party and I have S, Jess and Neve over jess and neve we’re asleep so S showed me kpop which I had never seen before. we became closer because of our love of kpop. fats forward to the middle of year 5. S changed and would argue about everything. at the end of year 5 I moved away and we kept in contact
she was being so rude and was making me cry every day
so my nun said I wasn’t allowed to talk to her
it’s been a year and half and she’s found me on pc. she’s being talking to people ik telling them lies about me just spreading rumours
so I had to block her
no she’s being spreading rumours to my old friends and family. and she even contacted me 5 yr old and told her to stay away from me!
I do have. heart and no offence but it’s none of your business
you have no idea how I feel ok
so just leave
and tell Sarah see if I care
just remember we have her a house she she wouldn’t be homeless smh
*gave her a house
oh thanks K