Collage by evergreenn


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hiii daddy
daddy do you remember our sons name?
we’re gonna have to change it
and idk
hiii!! how are youu??
I’m good!
*smiles* I miss you sm!
nuuu uhhh *kisses you*
*giggles and falls on top of you*
*smiles and puts my hand on yours* . Mia: daddy! *runs into the living room *
*smiles and looks up from our hands* . i missed you!
tan I sit with you guys? bubba is eeping . yes you can baby
*sits next to daddy* . *smiles*
we could watch a movie until Jackson wakes up. yeah!! tan we watch Luca mommy??
*smiles and turns on Disney+ and looks for luca* . yay!
*smiles at your touch* . *watches the tv*
*watches the tv* . *watches the tv and stretches*
*lays my head on your shoulder and closes my eyes* . I tink mommy’s tired
she hasn’t been sleeping well.. *looks over you and at her* . *falls asleep *
she’s been having nightmares . *sleeps*
no.. I was sleeping with her one day and she kept crying . *sleeps*
okay daddy *smiles and looks back up at the tv* . *sleeps*
*lays my head on daddy’s arm* . *sleeps*
*watches tv* . *sleeps*
*watches tv* . *sleeps*
*wakes up* . *watches tv*
*looks up at you* . *watches tv*
better *sniffles and looks up at you* . *watches tv*
(sure what is it?)
(no you’ve never told me)
*rubs my eyes*
I’m not mad
sorry daddy I got sick
no I don’t think so but I don’t have the kids rn so maybe we can do something
can we go lxy upstairs? I want cuddles
*smiles and cleans to you*
*smiles and clings to you*
*smiles and opens my arms*
*plays with your hair*
I can try to help, I might not be the best - k
*continues to play with your hair*
of course Noah - k
*continues and closes my eyes *
*falls asleep*
*wakes up gently*
hehe thank you daddy
it’s okay, I totally forgot
hehe I love you too daddy
nuuuu uhhhh
nuuuuuu uhhhhhh
hehe nu uh *smiles and climbs onto your lap*
*giggles and kisses you* mmm no
*moans against your lips as I move my hand down to your belt*
may restart and say I don’t have kids idk
sorry didn’t know you had one
*smiles and kisses you*
how are you guys doing
thank you
that’s good I’m glad you found someone who makes you happy
aww thank you I’m trying not that many people do pc anymore so it’s not easy but I’ll find someone
ohhh I didn’t know they were deleting pc
shxxt I may join the one we have
I mean separate would be easy so you don’t get the convos mixed up but I feel like it’s easier to have everyone on the same account yk
ohhh hush about not being the brightest because you are. but I kinda understand if that’s the reason like if things get steamy you can keep it to yourself
don’t make me hit you nicely Noah because you are smart. but yeah I get that I heard that happened with the insta account we have
yeah I heard it did not go well and the girl it happened to was so embarrassed but idk maybe try the joint and if you don’t like it then make your own
*giggles softly and looks down at you* I have a girl name
Dxmn that sxxks. yeah I may join the insta or just leave idk
our insta is psychotic_lovers if you want to add us when you make your account
*giggles softly* it’s Valentina Sage Scott *smiles and looks down at you*
fine I won’t leave
how is she doing
awww babies but I was asking about erykah
sorry if that sounded mean
that’s good I’m glad she’s doing good
no you’re fine I was gonna ask how Layla is doing after do you answered that
*smiles softly and kisses you back*
I forgot she had a kid how is he
ahh I could be wrong but didn’t she have a kid with a guy named atlas who was on our account
ohhh maybe they just talked because I believe he said he talked to someone named erykah
lol love how you said you wouldn’t ask cause you don’t know if she’d remember and then you were like I’ll ask anyway
ummmmm I don’t know how to say this but he’s been dead for i believe almost 5 years
from what my friend paisley told me he kxlled himself a day after Father’s Day. him and I were close but not that close
yeah it does *nods* I don’t like losing people I care about the most but that’s a part of life yk
yeah you never know what people are going thru cause they hide it so well
*smiles and clings to you*
sorry I fell asleep but yeah I wish they weren’t cause so many people I love would still be here
I slept okay how did you sleep
yeah I couldn’t get comfy
yeah wanna get some food or something
I can’t remember you like sushi right there’s a new restaurant on the water by me
could you come pick me up pms
*grabs a sweatshirt and puts it on*
*goes and puts my shoes on*
*puts food in my dogs food bowl*
*lets them out*
*brings them in and grabs my purse and walks out*
*smiles and gets in* hii
always first *smiles and nods* I can’t wait to try this place
*smiles and looks at you*
from the reviews I’ve seen people say it’s good
*smiles gently and takes it from you putting music on*
also if you guys ever get new people let me know
*softly sings along to the song*
yeah pmo
*continues and plays with my fingers*
*plays around with you* what don’t like my singing
Noah I’m playing with you I hope you know that *giggles*
right like I could go pro one day and be like dxmn back then my friend thought I was bad and I could call you out for it
nah someone at work told me to go pro cause I sxxked at cooking so if I do I’m crediting them first then you *giggles*
I know I flipped them off and then she said she liked my nails and I told her you can’t say something mean and then go and be nice
*smiles and helps you take off my pants*
cause she doesn’t get dxxk every woman I work with who doesn’t get it is mean
I work at outback and right I don’t get the dxxk right now and you don’t see me being mean to people
yeah outback steakhouse and right I don’t get why people are rude like you never know what they are going through
*opens the door* like that could have been my last reason but it’s not because my life is pretty good right now
*walks in and waits for you*
*looks at the lady* table for two please
*smiles and watches you*
*grabs two menus* alright follow me
*follows behind her* have you guys been here before
*moans softly*
yeah this is our first time. well i recommend the poke bowls, sushi or the seafood boil
yes that does. well it is big enough for two people
*nods*. your waiter/waitress will be back shortly *sets the menus on the table*
I’ll pay *looks at you*
nooo let me pay pls
or we could let the waiter pick which card to use
*giggles* I’ll make sure the pick mine. hi my name is paisley sorry for the wait could I start you guys off with something to drink
can I get a Dr Pepper. yes ma’am and for you sir
*looks at the menu*. *nods* any appetizers
could we get the crab Rangoon pls *nods* is that all
*looks at the menu* do we want a butter sauce on our boil
mmmm let’s do garlic butter
*looks at my phone*
*looks around* this place is nice
*looks out the window at the ocean*. here are your drinks are we ready to order
*moans while I grip on you*
yes can we get the seafood boil with the garlic butter. everything in it okay
ummm yes please and that comes with eggs right. no but we can ahh them for a dollar extra which would give you six eggs if you’d like
ehhhh I can survive without them. okay I’ll go put that in and your appetizer will be out shortly
I’m good look at the amount of food you get *points to a table with a seafood boil*
*takes a sip of my drink*
what’s your favorite part of the boils
hmmm it’s hard to pick because I love all of it but I’d have to say the lobster tails
lol corn is so good but it scares me tbh *takes a sip of my drink*
cause no matter how much you chew it it still cokes out whole
*looks at the table* sorry for the wait here is your appetizer *sets it on the table*
they look good *grabs one and immediately drops it back on the plate* ouch those are hxt
*nods and looks at you* yeah and I don’t wanna wait I’m hungry
*nods* you should know by now that I don’t like waiting for my food to cool down I’m a foodie
*smiles a little at you* do you guys need any refills on your drinks
ummm *looks at my cup* no I’m good thank you tho
*grabs a Rangoon again*. *grabs your glass* please take your straw sir
*takes a bite* mmmm. all good sir I’ll be right back with a refill*walks away*
*looks at you* is it bad to say that I like Anthony
*nods* yeah I would tell him but I don’t want to get my feelings hurt if he doesn’t cause I know it’s soon but I fall easily
*giggles* we did get together fast didn’t we
*giggles* ig we both fall fast also i told him
*smiles wide* he said he likes me as well
*smiles* thank you and I’m so happy for you as well Noah
you’re Welcome *eats another Rangoon*
these are good *grabs another one leaving one more*
*moans and looks up at you*
*finishes the one I have*. *comes with the seafood boil and sets it on the txxle* enjoy guys
thank you *carefully opens the bag*
*dumps it on the paper on the table
*giggles* ima be honest I haven’t had one in a year
better than me *grabs a crab leg and cracks it*
*takes a bite* mmm this is some good crab
*takes one and eats it* that is good
*smiles and grabs a lobster tail* this thing is about the size of my face
I do Ig Italians look like they don’t age
wow first Italian I feel delighted
*moans as cxm along with you*
*smiles and takes a sip* did she ever come back with your drink
I think she forgot about you
*grans another shrimp and nods*
*gets full after eating some more* I can’t eat anymore
*nods and waves our waitress down*. you guys want a to go box
*smiles*. would you like two boxes and omg I’m so sorry I knew I was forgetting something
*grabs one more shrimp and eats it*. okay I’ll be back with those boxes and a to go cup
Noah let me pay for it pls
because you always pay and I feel bad and i just wanna pay one time
yay I finally won *smiles and does a little dance* *comes back with two to go boxes and two to go cups* I brought you a to go cup as well ma’am
*hands her my card*. I’ll be right back
so would you come back here again
it is good *nods*. *comes back* thank you for coming
*gets up and grabs my cup*
I can take my box if you’d like
*walks behind you*
*takes a sip of my drink*
*walks out* thank you
wanna go get ice cream
there’s a place next door Noah
*smiles and waits for you *
*walks to the ice cream place*
*walks in* thank you
*looks at the menu*
maybe pistachio
*moans and cxms*
plain *giggles as I joke with you*
yes you are
*walks up and orders*
im paying
*pays for it *
*moves aside* Yw
*waits and looks around*
*watches the lady make our ice cream*
*grabs out ice cream when it’s ready*
wanna eat inside or outside
it’s nice out let’s eat outside
*finds a place to sit*
*sits and starts eating my ice cream*
*looks at you* I have something to tell you
yeah no everything is fine. Anthony and I are expecting
*smiles* thank you I guess things just happened fast
*giggles and eats my ice cream * love how im having his baby before i know what he looks like
*giggles* I don’t mind tats I love em and it does like why did you have to get rid of remixing already
I mean we don’t remix much but it would be nice to have the ability
*finishes my ice cream*
*throws the napkin away*
you’re welcome
I was going to go to the book store wanna go with me
alright let’s go
*follows behind you*
*gets in* thank you
*moans softly as I look up to you*