


71 49
made one!
I wish I could enter but my phone won't let me post or remix any collages...πŸ˜”
that's okay😊
contest on my page
how do u enter ur collages into the contest
in the video for mine, it stands for acting because I love to act. and you can see fetus me in there. I'm the best in pigtails
I forgot to mention that everyone who enters gets 10 likes! 😱 😘
Never mind,I might not have any space to like stuff.😁😰
okay so there is so much creative ones who entered my contest,I want to make a 4th place winner!
sorry i made a mistake I my first post of this collage so the second one is the good copy πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘
who won? it is way past due time😊