I really needed to talk to my girl this weekend and her mom freaking cancelled last minute so I didn’t get to see her today and idk when I’ll be able to see her again and we’ve been distant all day and she’s not answering me anymore God I hope she’s aslee


I really needed to talk to my girl this weekend and her mom freaking cancelled last minute so I didn’t get to see her today and idk when I’ll be able to see her again and we’ve been distant all day and she’s not answering me anymore God I hope she’s aslee

19 0
-asleep and I’m freaking out over nothing.
please let her be okay I need her to be okay please God, let her be okay let her just be asleep please that’s all I ask is she be okay
i want to let y’all know I’mnot trying to beg for comments or pity by putting this on here. I just need somewhere I can talk and rant when I’m anxious or sad or angry or whatever and this is a safe place to me so if I’m annoying you I’m so sorry I don’t mean to
^girl I totally get chu. not like 100% bc I’m not in this exact situation, but I can somewhat relate. just hang in there❤️
I’d say try your best not to worry too much until the morning, I know that’s hard, but I’m sure everything is alright. (sorry I’m horrible at trying to help ppl ooft)💕
aw yea of course!! 🤞🏼I truly hope everything works out.
💛💛💛💛 i hope she answers soon