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this took so long and I'm not even sure if I like it *facepalm* Okay so soon I'm going to do a theme where I use other people's styles (and give credit of course) so if you have a style you want me to use comment 👀 and remix which style, I already have a few people's styles I want to use in mind 😏 Day one of the 33 Days Of The Doctor And Rose Challenge (and the thing that says the different days so you guys can do it too) is in the remixes!! Ooh ooh ooh and I'm reading the Deathly HALLOWS right now!!! (Only on chapter 3) AND I HATE SNAPE AND I MISS DUMBLEDORE AND I MISS SIRIUS AND I ALSO HATE DRACO UGHHHHHH HARRY POTTER HAS RUINED MY LIFE!! BAIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought you said Miss Dumbledore...😂